Trionfi, Tarocchi, Tarock, Cartomancy
Symbolic devination cards created for occult purposes.
A tarot deck consists of 78 cards:
Divided between Major & Minor arcana (Arcana means secretive)
The Major Arcana contains 22 cards. The major arcana tells the story of the Fool's journey.
Starting from nothing (number 0), the Fool, who is ready to go on a journey, not biased, from a beginners mind. He has his haversack with him, standing allmost at the edge of a cliff, ready to take a leap of faith (or fate?), his little dog next to him, a loyal companion, is trying to warn him, but the guy is very optimistic, the sky is clear and eventhough he might fall, it doesn't bother him to start his journey.
The last card of the major arcana is (number 21), the World. His journey came to an end, he completed a cycle in his journey, where he is able to make a new beginning where the world is open to him.
The major arcana entails big happenings, devine interventions. The cards within the major arcana refer to the signs (& houses) of zodiac wheel of the horoscope. (pls check my pinterest, which cards to which signs)
The minor arcana, containg 56 cards and divided in 4 suits. Refering to the 4 elements:
Fire: wands
Air: swords
Earth: pentacles
Water: cups
Wands are all about action, Air is all about communication, intellect, Earth is all about growing steadily and materializing and wat is all about emotuons and feelings.
Each suit within the minor arcana, represent (like the major arcana) a journey, starting new with the Ace and ending with the King (like regular playing cards).
What's your card of the day?

22 Major Arcana Cards and their correspondence to Astrology:
Fool: Aquarius/Uranus; Spirit of Ether, expect the unexpected, leap of faith, alchemy of self, trust te Universe
Magicien & High Priestess: Gemini Mercury & Moon
House 1 & 2: Emperor & Empress: Aries Mars & Taurus Venus
House 2 & 3: Hierophant & Lovers: Taurus Venus & Gemini Mercury
House 4 & 5: Chariot & Strength: Cancer Moon & Leo Sun