💜number SEVEN represents a quest for knowledge💜

1. Must watch:
Clip: dance of venus & earth around the sun
2. Sites:
personal boundaries vs. oneness
Jessica Adams
Greek philosophers who shaped the world
Carmen Turner-Schott (author - deep dive into the 8th & 12th house)
3. Inspirarional persons:
- Stephen Hawking (movie: The theory of Everything; National Geographic )
- Nikola Tesla (3-6-9 theory)
- Jung
- Einstein
4. Books:
- 7 Habits of highly effective people- Stephen Covey
- Start with why - Simon Sinek
- 7 Spiritual laws of success - Deepak Chopra
- The Alchemist - Paolo Coelho
- Earth, Pleiadian keys to the living library - Barbara Marciniak
- Path of empowerment- Pleiadion wisdom in a world of chaos - Barbara Marciniak
- The Celestine Phrophecy - James Redfield
- The 10th Insight - James Redfield
- Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë
- Healing Pluto problems - Donna Cunningham (understand your soul's gravings, resentments, addictions, taboo's)
- Astrology, Karma & Transformation - Stephen Arroyo
- De adem des levens -Niels Bagchus
- The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows - John Koenig
- De wonderen van de Kasa/Macy Annabelle Pole (After reading this beautiful book and letting that the author know, I received this lovely personal message)
- Phoenixes & Angels - maatering the 8th & 12th astrological houses /Carmen Turner-Schott
- Wat gebeurt er na de dood - Hans Stolp
- Neptunes - het 12de huis en vissen / Maurice Fernandez
- Leven met Nercurius Retrograde - Yasmin Boland
- Soul Mission - the astrology empress
- Dynamics of the unconscious- Liz Greene/Howard Sasportas
- Uurhoek astrologie - Karen Hamaker-Zondag
- De kracht van voorspellende astrologie - Willem Simmers
- De Solaar - Karen Hamaker-Zondag
- Leven met de Maan - Yasmin Bolland
- Leven met de Sterren - Yasmin Bolland
- Zwarte Maan/Zon/Drakenkop - George Bode
- Anoligieën in de astrologie - Kolmus/van Vlijmen
- De Zwarte Maan-Lilith en Goudroes - Bastiaan van Wingerden
- De Zwarte Maan en Priapus - Christiane Beerlandt
- Planets in transit - Robert Hand
- Astrologie voor de ziel - Jan Spiller
- Mythen van de Dierenriem - Jan de Graaf
- 12th house Fallen Angels - Carmen Turner-Schott
- Godinnen in elke vrouw - Jean Shinoda Bolen
- Symbolengids - Sandra Forty
- Symbolen en hun betekenis - Jack Tresidder
- Homeros Odysseia - Querido
- Karmische Astrologie - Martin Schulman
- Huilende Spiegels - Threes Brouwers
- Goden en Planeten - E. Barz
- Pluto deel 2 - Jeffrey Wolf Green
- Over de Styx - M. Pieters/P. De Rynck
- The Yod Book - Karen Hamaker-Zondag
5. Music
- Be - Neil Diamond
- Too much to mention -music was my first love and it will be my last-
6. Schooling
NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
School voor Astrologie - Ben Rovers
7. Movies:
- Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
- The Matrix
- Once upon a time in the West (music!)
- Pursuit of Happiness
- Sliding Doors
- Interstellar
- Little Miss Sunshine
- The curious case of Benjamin Button
- Avatar 1 & 2
- Frida
- What's eating Gilbert Grape
- Percy Jackson & lightning thief / & Sea of Monsters
- Percy Jackson & the Olympians (serries)
- A wrincle in time
- The imitation game
- My genious friend (series)
- Miss Peregrine's home for perculiar children