MIND: (partly tangible, partly untabgible) your head, your brain, your consious mind

BODY: (tangible) the physical, touchable flesh, bones, organs: the vessel

SOUL: (untangible) your unconscious mind, your higher self (ever talking to yourself? your speaking to your soul, your higher self) The part of us that defines us life after life. Your soul is made of energy.

sum: body (tangible) + soul (untangible) = mind (tangible & untangible). The mind is the mix between both, the mind is a sort of antenna, capable of steering processes between body & soul.

Cosmic principles /Spiritual Laws

There are 12 spiritual laws (see below)


T  R  A  N  S  F  O  R  M  A  T  I  O  N     P  R  O  C  E  S  S



- Is the process initiated after a crisis, a shocking event, revelation. An event what one's life turns upside down, due to a loss. That can be through a death, illness or divorce for example. It takes away a structure through a painful event. It's forced upon you through outside circumstances.


- When the dust settles after the shock of the crisis, a phase is initiated where you come to question what life is all about. Asking yourself why is this happening, what's the purpose. Parts of the ego is stripped away. Things like that new car which where important to you once, you couldn't care less. The process to come to the core what really matters in life is working full force. Ask yourself the questions 'why', brings you to the core of yourself. Your mind is spending over hours, the body is neglected. 


- Spiritual Awakening: thinking outside of the box, call it a religion, call it the universe, it's the process of diving deeper into matters what we hardly can comprehend. Finding meaning. Within that process where everything has felt negative and pain-full, where you have asked yourself many 'why' questions and the answers aren't fulfilling in a logical sense, you hit that deeper layer in one's self, where you come to the 'what if's', 'how comes'.  'What if' there is a deeper meaning, 'what if' if there's more to what we see, 'what if' if I choose a different road. 'How comes' this happens to me. And that's where the magic happens: what you seek, is seeking you. The law of attraction and suddenly you experience things that match your questions as you have changed your perception of the world by experiencing answers to questions as you see the world in a different shape & form.

Whilst before your mind, body & soul where functioning seperately, they now start working more synchronized as a union.


Per Aspera ad Astra - Through difficulties reaching the stars.

My oriental planet (1st planet counterclockwise from your Sun in the chart) is NeptuneRX 12th house in Sagittarius. 
The oriental planet tells you what your spiritual foundation is in life to complete. 
Mine is karmic soul seacher & teacher.